Body Spelling

종보샘 2010. 9. 16. 09:31

 the best job of body spelling. we were aiming for "TeaTime"

원본 위치 <http://www.flickr.com/photos/25918695@N00/1868949646/>

How to :

Divide teams and give them a word.

Teams have to make the word with their body.

팀을 만들어서 주어진 단어의 철자를 팀원들이 몸으로 나타내는 활동

3 Questions about group activities

  1. What did you think about this?
  2. How can I use this (activities) in my classroom?
  3. What lexical set can I teach with this?
  • I think it is helpful for lower grade students when learning spelling.

'영어 > TESOL' 카테고리의 다른 글

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